Oriane TODTS


E-Mail: ot@juscogens.be

Phone: +32 478 70 01 20


  • Immigration Law
  • Human Rights
  • Family Law

Oriane Todts has been a lawyer since 2012. She worked for five years at Casabel, a law firm specialising in immigration law, with the lawyers Sylvie Sarolea and Jean-Yves Carlier. She joined Jus Cogens in January 2018.
Oriane is a specialist in immigration law. For ten years, she has had the opportunity to accompany numerous asylum seekers at all stages of their procedure. Oriane Todts is also regularly present at the Conseil du Contentieux des étrangers, to assist her clients in the hypothesis of a negative decision. She also has a certain expertise in the assistance of persons placed in closed centres.
She holds a training certificate in criminal cassation.
Oriane also practises family law (divorce, separation, child support, etc.).
She is keen to be present in person as much as possible for auditions and audiences.

Oriane has the title of specialist in immigration law according to a deliberation of the Brussels Bar.


  • French
  • Dutch
  • English